The Wheel of Life is a great resource that helps you better understand what you can do to make your life more balanced. It is a visual tool to help you quickly identify and clarify what areas in your life could benefit from you devoting more energy, and what areas you may need to cut back.
I talk every day to people who express feeling stuck or lacking a sense of balance and alignment in life. Sometimes we can see clearly where we need to shift things, but more often than not we first need to explore a wider, more helicopter view of life to see patterns and gain insight. This is where the Wheel Of Life exercise can really help.
By giving some focus time to the core areas of life that typically take up the most physical or mental energy, we can empower ourselves to really assess what needs our attention the most.
While you look at several areas, it helps you to really hone in on what core areas will have a ripple effect on the other areas, so for example....if you identify 'wellness' as an area that needs attention, you can then look to see that by focusing first on wellness in your life, what knock on effect would it potentially have in the other areas.
Full instructions are in the workbook which you can download for free here below.
Everything is relevant here as it is YOUR LIFE, but if you are stuck, some examples include; significant relationship, family, career/work, health/wellness (physical or mental), finances, friendships, personal time, well-being, travel, joy/fun, self-esteem/confidence, personal growth...
I would love to hear if you have any areas that are important to you for your wheel of life!
If you feel you could benefit from some support with taking the next steps, click here to book a free intro call with me to find out more about how Coaching can help.
In the meantime, enjoy this exercise with gentle curiosity.