The end of a year is often a time for reflection for people. Looking back on the year just gone and thinking about the year ahead. Some people celebrate the successes of a year just been, but for many it is often a time of feeling like things haven't changed as much as they hoped...goals weren't reached, not enough progress was made, and life is much the same or where we don't really want to be.
We can find ourselves feeling like we didn't do enough, should have done more....
However, when we take time to really reflect on the year past, coming from a place of self-compassion, we can see that we actually did make a lot of progress...we learned a lot about ourselves...and we definitely did enough! And usually when we bring some awareness to it, we can see there was actually a lot to be thankful for.
So here are TEN QUESTIONS TO ASK YOURSELF as we say goodbye to 2021 and welcome to 2022 which will help you to focus on the positives and lessons learned and get ready and excited for the year ahead.
Remember, awareness is key when it comes to making changes in our life. When you approach everything from a place of learning and growing, amazing shifts can happen in our mindset.
So if you are ready, grab a cuppa and download the workbook below and give yourself the gift of an hour to reflect and reconnect.
Enjoy, love Claire x